Body Voice Bassoon

This is a research space I am working in with bassoonist Luke Crookes. Nothing here is perfect – it’s purely exploration.

No packaging just the raw work with a few titles.

Luke Crookes and I met on my Creative Lab course: Recharging Your Creativity.  During the course, Luke created a piece of work: Smudge which he performed at Manworks, the platform for sharing the creative work developed on the course. Since then we have been working together to find a way to combine body voice and bassoon. It is an exhilarating journey.

The collaboration is in its infancy. Currently, we are developing resources here for sharing our work.

This page is an attempt to share our preliminary and very basic documented workshops and creativity.

Here are four annotated thematic excavations. Each excavation is divided into sections. Currently, you will need to use the password to access this material.  Generally, the excavation has three phases: pre-amble, warming into the work and then the manifestation of the imagined world through improvisation.

Excavation 1: Calling Lil

Calling Lil Showcase

Bridging past work to now

I can see in this work remnants from The House and the drive to give expression to the development of Nana in Hospital for which I failed to get funding to produce.

Password: callinglilshow


Excavation 2: Goosemaid

Goosemaid Showcase

Working with now

I can see in this work a pre-occupation with performance genealogy and the link with Denmark that comes out later in walking work – Follow the Stone.

Password: goosemaidshow


Excavation 3: M.A. Workshop

MA Worskhop Showcase

Application of the excavation and working with past and now

We tried out the work with a group of M.A. students. As with most of this documentation the filming is ropey but the audio may be of interest. We work with limited equipment and just gather the footage for reflection in all instances.

Password: MAdemonstration

Excavation 4: Entrancement, Industry, Tree Shaman, Forest and Beach, the Aerodrome

Site Work Showcase

Noticing the source and sensing a way through.

Working outside in a location pushed the work on but Covid19 prevented further outdoor work temporarily confining us to zoom calls and so we worked on just walking in our respective locations. These five visual documentations chart the location work.

Password: insideoutside

Luke’s own work can be found at Luke Crookes

‘Creative Conversations’ some reflections on this work: