The mature professional practitioner-deviser-director in Higher Education

The mature professional practitioner-deviser in Higher Education  How I made the pilot performance ‘Redhair and Daffodil Friend’ with TaPP students at Salford University For some years now I have had the opportunity to work on some really stimulating and creative projects within the Theatre and Performance Practice programme at the University of Salford.  It has both informed and enhanced my …

Pink Granite

Beginnings of Pink Granite

I have been working for almost a year with The Project Group in Charmouth, Dorset under the guidance of Sandra Reeve. I will be sharing some of this new work through Pink Granite this coming weekend.  It will mark the development of my new book Pink Granite. Please see the extract from Sandra Reeve’s invitation below with links to the work. There is …

Creative Lives Online Gallery Launch

Creative Lives Online Gallery Launch Following the presentation of Disrupted Meadow at Sentient Performativities at Dartington Hall in Devon in June this year, I revisited the material with recordings from that showing for Creative Lives curated by Kirsty Surgey and Carmen Levick for Sheffield University and Castlefield Gallery, Manchester. It all began to fall into place. The challenge, which I …

Navigating Sentient Performativities Symposium Part Four: A Poem

Navigating Sentient Performativities Part Four: A Poem Anticipating Connection and Negotiating Community I arrived at the spot after my earlier recce at 9.40. I arrived after ‘crawling’ and ‘slow walking’ on the TV in studios six and one respectively. I arrived at 11.20 Or thereabouts.   I sat on the steps. I waited.   Kristina gave me a ‘past its …

Navigating Sentient Performativities Symposium Part Three

Navigating Sentient Performativities Symposium Dartington Hall June 2022 (Part Three). We got drenched with Sarah Hyde leading a Participatory Movement Ritual in another meadow. We were drenched in dreaming and the silence of grasses. It reminded me of times as a child when I just gave in to the rain and got wet through. The session was a deep work …

Live movement with film

Navigating Sentient Performativities Symposium Part Two

Navigating Sentient Performativities Symposium Dartington Hall June 2022 (Part Two). In Part One I wrote mainly covered Sunday and Monday of the Symposium with an extension into the rest of the period to account for the Amerta thread of work running through from the Animate-in-Animate Collective. Tuesday morning was focused on getting through my Disrupted Meadow presentation in Studio 6. …