Best-laid Plans of Mice and Women It happened. I have not had this experience before. Knocked off my feet and utterly pipped at the post. Crashed to the ground in the Memorial Park in Coventry, speedy trip to the hospital, wheelchair, crutches, tricky train negotiations then home for a long rest. My walking project was sabotaged by a dog during …
Mum, the muse and her dogs
Mum, the muse and her dogs When working the first draft of ‘Disrupted Meadow’ (the one featured here), the opening was disrupted by the entrance of a passerby’s dog. The Labrador couldn’t help itself entering the space I had carefully marked out on the edge of a meadow near a gate. The chance disruption to play is often a serendipitous …
Hecate and Dog Poo
Hecate and Dog Poo One mighty canine whose master knows how to bag it and bin it In working as a Ward Councillor probably one of the most regular calls to action has been tackling dog poo and occasionally the human variety. When I first moved to Southport, Richard and I affectionately nicknamed our new home town ‘Southpoo’, and a …