The mature professional practitioner-deviser in Higher Education How I made the pilot performance ‘Redhair and Daffodil Friend’ with TaPP students at Salford University For some years now I have had the opportunity to work on some really stimulating and creative projects within the Theatre and Performance Practice programme at the University of Salford. It has both informed and enhanced my …
Redhair and Daffodil Friend is published.
Redhair and Daffodil Friend is published. I am thrilled to let you know that my illustrated children’s chapter book REDHAIR AND DAFFODIL FRIEND for ages 8 upwards and adults is now available. REDHAIR AND DAFFODIL FRIEND set in climate-challenged Brinepoint is finally in print. It’s a tale of friendship, loyalty and minding your own business. You can read more about the …