I am making seven posts between my dad’s birthday and Father’s day. This year Terence Roy Waterfield would have been 90. We lost him when he was 78. It takes a long time to process losing a loved one.
Gate Two is about Dad’s flat, though the holding image here would suggest the seashore. When I worked on the project in the outdoors Dad’s flat became very vibrant to me in the outdoor space. I was able to re-create it with the discarded objects I found along the seashore: his table, his milk bottle, the way he sat watching the telly (for me the vista out to sea). When I developed the work as a walking performance, one stopping place was a kitchen/lounge next to the garden where I made Gate One. I played the film of the seashore work on the telly and worked with his personal objects doing the activities I would find him doing whenever I visited his flat. At this gate I am working with his personal domestic objects and the music he loved. I am also exploring dreaming and dying. In amongst this are elements of harbours, navigation and the sense of his solitary existence in the latter days of his life.
Here is the second short film.